The Center for Vaccines and Immunity to Microbial Pathogens will be a vital hub for coordinating discoveries in microbiology and immunology to human vaccine development and testing. We will partner with multiple departments and disciplines while drawing on the expertise and established infrastructure to maximize the use of resources and accelerate progress.

Bursky Center
The vision of The Andrew M. and Jane M. Bursky Center for Human Immunology & Immunotherapy Programs (CHiiPs) is to become a leader in the field of human immunology by establishing an environment where basic, translational and clinical aspects of human immunology and immunotherapy research are seamlessly integrated.

Emergency Medicine
The mission of the Department of Emergency Medicine is to provide exemplary health care to all who are in need with efficiency and compassion, and through research and teaching, to develop future generations of physicians with the knowledge, skills and values to do the same.

Infectious Diseases
In addition to delivering excellence in teaching and clinical care, members of our Division of Infectious Diseases are international leaders in microbial pathogenesis, immunology, and global and public health.

John T. Milliken Department of Medicine
The John T. Milliken Department of Medicine embraces the latest medical technologies and trains the best and brightest doctors so we can guide medical practice from the bench to the bedside.

Molecular Microbiology
The Department of Molecular Microbiology is particularly interested in questions in microbial pathogenesis, the study of how microbes interact with their hosts in ways that both cause or avoid disease, and how this knowledge can be used to improve human health and control infectious diseases.

Pathology & Immunology
The Department of Pathology & Immunology provides consultation for clinical caregivers and supervising laboratories to ensure more accurate diagnoses that allow for the most effective treatment delivery.

The Department of Pediatrics is recognized by the NIH as a Child Health Research Center of Excellence in Developmental Biology, one of only a handful of centers nationwide with this status.